Affordable, Thoughtful Gift Ideas

Handheld Sign

PART 1: 

Gifts ideas for the Words of Affirmation Love Language.


Here's a few ideas for people who feel loved  & known by words!

50+ Gift Ideas

Man Reading

Make a list of books they would enjoy reading. Gift them the first book on the list!

Curated book list

Handheld Sign
Handheld Sign

"Open When..." Letters

"Read When..." Cards

Letters in envelopes for certain moments and feelings.

Letters & pictures  for certain moments and feelings.

Handheld Sign
Handheld Sign

Encouragement Jar

Slips of paper with words of encouragement

Reasons I Love You Card

List or pieces of paper of reasons why you love them

Woman Reading 02

Print them a book of photos and include memories with that person. 

Photo Book of Favorite Memories

Bracelet with Important Word

Open Hands

Make or purchase a bracelet the name of a person, a word that encourages them, or a word they are striving for.

Journal filled with prompts & questions for them to answer

Personalized Journal


More Gift Guides

Acts of Service:  Ideas for people who feel love to be served well

Quality Time: Ideas for people who love to spend time with you